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Before the Deluge - John Briggs

Before the Deluge - John Briggs

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Casgliad hynod ddiddorol o 181 o ffotograffau du-a-gwyn gyda nodiadau byrion yn portreadu amrywiaeth lliwgar a chyfoethog cymunedau aml-hiliol, cymeriadau ac adeiladau dociau Caerdydd yn ystod yr 1970au, gan adlewyrchu arwyddocâd y cymunedau bywiog hyn ym mywyd y ddinas cyn iddynt ddiflannu dan y don o ailddatblygu'r ardal.

English Description: A fascinating collection of 181 black-and-white photographs with short notes portraying the rich and colourful diversity of multi racial communities, characters and architecture in the Cardiff Docklands during the 1970s, reflecting the significance of these lively communities in city life before their demise under the deluge of redevelopment.

ISBN: 9781854113153

Awdur/Author: John Briggs

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Seren

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2002-02-01

Tudalennau/Pages: 168

Iaith/Language: EN

Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X

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