Byw gyda Chi Du - Matthew Johnstone, Ainsley Johnstone
Byw gyda Chi Du - Matthew Johnstone, Ainsley Johnstone
Cyfrol sy'n archwilio sut i gadw trefn ar eich bywyd yn ystod cyfnodau o iselder, h.y. pan mae'r Ci Du gerllaw. Canllaw teimladwy, ystyriol a doniol yw hwn i bobl sy'n cefnogi rhywun sy'n dioddef o iselder, ac mae'n ddilyniant i Roedd Gen i Gi Du. Mae'n cynnwys cyngor ymarferol ar sut i adnabod y symptomau a sut i reoli'r Ci Du.
English Description: A volume that explores the process of taking control of your life during periods of depression, i.e. when the Black Dog is around. A sensitive, thoughtful and humorous guide for people wishing to support those who suffer from depression, being a sequel to Roedd Gen i Gi Du. It contains practical advice on how to recognise the symptoms and how to control the Black Dog.
ISBN: 9781784617837
Awdur/Author: Matthew Johnstone, Ainsley Johnstone
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Y Lolfa
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2019-08-06
Tudalennau/Pages: 80
Iaith/Language: CY
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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