Castiau Hogyn Drwg - Pedr Wynn-Jones
Castiau Hogyn Drwg - Pedr Wynn-Jones
Mae mam pob hogyn bach yn lecio meddwl mai ei hepil annwyl hi ydi'r hogyn gorau yn y byd, ond ei fod o'n cael ei dynnu ar gyfeiliorn gan blant pobol eraill. Wel, un o blant y bobol eraill hynny oeddwn i, mae'n debyg, a dyma i chi rhyw ddarlun bach o'm plentyndod hapus i ym Mhen yr Aber. Darllenwch stori Pedr Wynn-Jones er mwyn cael yr hanes i gyd.
English Description: Every little boy's mother likes to think that her offspring is the sweetest little boy in the world, but that other people's children have led him astray. Well I am one of those 'other people's children' and this is a little insight into my happy childhood at Pen yr Aber. Read Pedr Wynn-Jones' book to get the whole story.
ISBN: 9781845273675
Awdur/Author: Pedr Wynn-Jones
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2011-11-16
Tudalennau/Pages: 144
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: N/A
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