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Charlie Changes into a Chicken - Sam Copeland

Charlie Changes into a Chicken - Sam Copeland

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GWERTHIANT PENDANT - DIM DYCHWELIADAU. Mae gan Charlie McGuffin gyfrinach ryfeddol ... gall droi yn bob math o anifail: chwannen, colomen, hyd yn oed rhinoseoros. Dim ond pan mae e'n poeni am rywbeth mae hyn yn digwydd ac mae gan Charlie ddigon i boeni amdano ar hyn o bryd: mae ei frawd yn yr ysbyty, mae ei rieni yn poeni am hynny ac mae bwli'r ysgol ar ei ôl.

English Description: FIRM SALE - NO RETURN. Charlie McGuffin has an incredible secret ... he can change into all sorts of animals: a flea, a pigeon, even a rhino. It only happens when he's worried, and right now, Charlie has a lot to worry about: his brother is in hospital, his parents are panicking about this and the school bully has Charlie in his sights. A comic, laugh-out-loud story.

ISBN: 9780241346211

Awdur/Author: Sam Copeland

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Penguin

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2019-02-07

Tudalennau/Pages: 244

Iaith/Language: EN

Argaeledd/Availability: 2022-03-02

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