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Cyfres Alun yr Arth: Alun yr Arth a'r Ddraig Fach Goch Morgan Tomos

Cyfres Alun yr Arth: Alun yr Arth a'r Ddraig Fach Goch Morgan Tomos

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ISBN: 9781784614270 Publication Date July 2017
Publisher: Y Lolfa, Tal-y-bont
Illustrated by Morgan TomosFormat: Paperback, 200x210 mm, 24 pages
Language: Welsh

The Alun yr Arth series has reached a milestone with the publication of the 25th title in the popular series. Another story to hold the imagination of children under 7 years old as Alun rides the red dragon on a journey around Wales.

Dyma gyrraedd carreg filltir trwy gyhoeddi'r 25ain llyfr yng Nghyfres Alun yr Arth i blant dan 7 oed. Mae Alun yn mynd ar gefn y ddraig fach goch ar daith o gwmpas Cymru ac mae'n gweld rhyfeddodau di-ri! Ond pam mae'r ddraig fach mor drist?
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