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Cyfres Darllen Difyr: Talentog! - Beth ydy'ch talent chi? - Elin Meek

Cyfres Darllen Difyr: Talentog! - Beth ydy'ch talent chi? - Elin Meek

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Llyfr lliwgar sy'n sôn am dalentau arbennig ­ o ddawnsio ar y stryd i jyglo a thaflu llais, gwneud triciau, sefyll fel cerflun byw, canu offeryn cerdd, canu ac actio. Mae'r ffeithiau'n cael eu cyflwyno fel darnau byr o wybodaeth ac mae'r lluniau trawiadol yn helpu dysgwyr i ddeall y darnau. Mae'r cyfan wedi ei ysgrifennu mewn iaith sy'n addas ar gyfer dysgwyr ail iaith CA2.

English Description: This colourful book looks at various talent ­ street dancing, jugg ling, ventriloquism, magic tricks, living statues, playing a musical instrument, singing and acting. Facts are presented succinctly and the images help learners understand the text. Written in a style suitable for learners in Key Stage 2, first language speakers will also enjoy reading this book.

ISBN: 9781908574688

Awdur/Author: Elin Meek

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Atebol

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2012-11-22

Tudalennau/Pages: 24

Iaith/Language: CY

Argaeledd/Availability: Available


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