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Darllen yn Well: Croeso i Lanuffern: Helyntion fy Arddegau Traws - Lewis Hancox

Darllen yn Well: Croeso i Lanuffern: Helyntion fy Arddegau Traws - Lewis Hancox

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Nofel graffeg i'r arddegau wedi ei hysgrifennu a'i darlunio gan Lewis Hancox. Mae'n dilyn taith unigolyn dewr iawn o'r enw Lewis. Mae Lewis yn wynebu heriau difrifol yn ystod ei chyfnod yn yr ysgol uwchradd a'r coleg wrth iddi geisio deall y ffordd y mae hi'n teimlo am ei chorff.

English Description: A graphic novel for teens written and illustrated by Lewis Hancox. It follows the journey of a very brave individual named Lewis. Lewis faces serious challenges as she tries to understand the way she feels about her body during her time in high school and college. With hilarious and easy-to-read writing, we get to hear more about the challenges Lewis faced and how she overcame them.

ISBN: 9781801063470

Awdur/Author: Lewis Hancox

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Atebol

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2023-04-15

Tudalennau/Pages: 300

Iaith/Language: CY

Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X

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