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Duck and Starfish Make a Splash - Derek Brockway

Duck and Starfish Make a Splash - Derek Brockway

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Stori swynol am gyfeillgarwch arbennig rhwng dau ffrind digon anarferol - hwyaden a seren fôr. Nid yw'r hwyaden yn gallu dod o hyd i'w mam, felly mae'r seren fôr yn ceisio'i helpu. Mae'r ddwy yn dod o hyd i wahanol greaduriaid y môr, ond heb unrhyw lwyddiant, hyd nes iddyn nhw gwrdd â bod dynol a all eu cynorthwyo.

English Description: A delightful seaside tale of a special friendship between two rather unusual friends - Duck (a shelduck) and Starfish. Duck can't find her mum and Starfish decides to help her. Together they visit a number of different sea creatures with no success until Duck and Starfish meet the human who is finally able to help them.

ISBN: 9781848511149

Awdur/Author: Derek Brockway

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Pont Books @ Lolfa

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2009-10-30

Tudalennau/Pages: 32

Iaith/Language: EN

Argaeledd/Availability: 1

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