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Dyddiadur Dripsyn 12: Dianc - Jeff Kinney

Dyddiadur Dripsyn 12: Dianc - Jeff Kinney

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Y 12fed llyfr, llawn chwerthin, wedi ei ddarlunio'n llawn am Greg Heffley a'i deulu. Mae'n oer adref ac mae Greg a'i rieni o dan straen ynghylch y Nadolig, felly maen nhw'n penderfynu bod y teulu cyfan am ddianc i ynys drofannol! DYLAI ychydig ddyddiau ym mharadwys wneud rhyfeddodau i Greg a'i deulu o dan bwysau. A ellir arbed y daith, neu ai trychineb ddaw i'w rhan?

English Description: The 12th laugh-out-loud, fully-illustrated book about Greg Heffley and his family. It's freezing cold at home and he and his parents are stressed about Christmas, so they decide the whole family are going to escape to a tropical island! A few days in paradise SHOULD do wonders for Greg and his frazzled family. Can their trip be saved, or will this island getaway end in disaster?

ISBN: 9781804163412

Awdur/Author: Jeff Kinney

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Rily

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2023-11-10

Tudalennau/Pages: 224

Iaith/Language: CY

Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: 2023-03-02

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