Gemydd, Y - Caryl Lewis
Gemydd, Y - Caryl Lewis
Nofel sy'n cyfleu unigrwydd dirdynnol gyda phortreadau grymus o gymeriadau sy'n gweithio mewn marchnad sydd ar fin cau. Dilynir argyfwng Mair, sy'n gwneud bywoliaeth o drin gemau a chlirio tai, nes y daw un gem i drawsnewid ei bywyd yn llwyr...
English Description: A novel which examines solitary lives, and provides powerful portrayals of characters who work in a market that's about to close. The narrative focuses on Mair who makes a living out of jewellery and house clearances - that is, until she finds one jewel that transforms her life completely.
ISBN: 9780862438012
Awdur/Author: Caryl Lewis
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Y Lolfa
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2007-03-29
Tudalennau/Pages: 192
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: N/A
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