Gwyddoniadur Darluniau Cyntaf i Blant
Gwyddoniadur Darluniau Cyntaf i Blant
Dyma wyddoniadur cyntaf sydd â darluniau bywiog, llawn dychymyg a fydd yn annog plant i droi'n ôl ato dro ar ôl tro. Mae wedi'i rannu'n themâu sylfaenol fel y Ddaear a'r Gofod, Dy Gorff, Deinosoriaid, Cloddwyr a Thryciau, Anifeiliaid Gwyllt, Pryfed, Pethau sy'n Symud a'r Tywydd. Addasiad Cymraeg o The Usborne First Picture Encyclopedia.
English Description: This is an introductory encyclopedia with vivid, imaginative pictures that will encourage children to look at it again and again. It is separated into basic themes such as the Earth and Space, Your Body, Dinosaurs, Diggers and Trucks, Wild Animals, Insects, Things That Go and the Weather. A Welsh adaptation of The Usborne First Picture Encyclopedia.
ISBN: 9781904357896
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Rily
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2011-09-08
Tudalennau/Pages: 30
Iaith/Language: CY
Argaeledd/Availability: Out of print
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