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Iddew - Dyfed Edwards

Iddew - Dyfed Edwards

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Nofel hynod o bwerus sy'n ein dwyn i ganol bywyd cythryblus Yeshua bar-Yôsep Natz'rat (Iesu fab Joseff o Nasareth), a'i daith i'r Groes. Meddai Dewi Prysor am y nofel wefreiddiol hon, 'Dyma nofel ysgubol ac eithriadol iawn; gwaith o athrylith sy'n gwthio ffuglen Gymraeg i dir newydd.'

English Description: A powerful novel which hurls us headlong into the chaotic life of Yeshua bar-Yôsep Natz'rat (Jesus son of Joseph of Nazareth). The story of his journey to the Cross is a familiar one, but in this original and skilful book it's presented in a way which challenges that familiarity.

ISBN: 9781907424847

Awdur/Author: Dyfed Edwards

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Gwasg y Bwthyn

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2016-03-16

Tudalennau/Pages: 224

Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: N/A

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