Just Another Mzungu Passing Through - Jim Bowen
Just Another Mzungu Passing Through - Jim Bowen
Stori wedi ei gosod yng Nghenya ym 1996. Mae Griff yn cymryd swydd dysgu mewn ysgol fach yn Nairobi. Mae'n gorfod wynebu llifogydd, ardaloedd tlawd, trais, a chymdeithas lwgr. Dyma stori sy'n portreadu profiad o Affrica fodern - ei phrydferthwch, bryntni, llawenydd a'i thorcalon.
English Description: A story set in Kenya in 1996, Griff takes a job teaching at a small, struggling school in Nairobi. El Nino floods, bulldozed slums, street justice and widespread corruption are all around him. A story that portrays an experience of modern Africa in all its contradictions - its beauty, squalor, joy and heartbreak.
ISBN: 9781905762330
Awdur/Author: Jim Bowen
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Parthian Books
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2008-04-17
Tudalennau/Pages: 296
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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