Library of Wales: I Sent a Letter to My Love - Bernice Rubens
Library of Wales: I Sent a Letter to My Love - Bernice Rubens
Stori am fenyw sy'n penderfynu gwneud ymgais olaf i ganfod rhyddid ac hapusrwydd. Ar hyd ei bywyd y mae wedi meddwl ei bod hi'n salw, a bu'n barod i dderbyn unigrwydd a bywyd di-gariad. Ond yn ei phumdegau tra'n byw gyda'i brawd anabl y mae'n penderfynu dod o hyd i gymar i'w garu. Ac me ei bywyd yn chwyrlio drwy bob math o brofiadau newydd. Gyda rhagair gan Peter Florence.
English Description: A story about a woman who makes a final bid for freedom and happiness. All her life she has seen herself as ugly and unattractive and resigned to a life of solitude and lovelessness. Now in her fifites and living alone with her crippled brother she makes a last ditch attempt to meet someone she can love. Her life spirals into new dimensions and awarenesses.
ISBN: 9781905762521
Awdur/Author: Bernice Rubens
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Parthian Books
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2008-03-28
Tudalennau/Pages: 226
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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