Lleidr Amser - Terry Pratchett
Lleidr Amser - Terry Pratchett
Addasiad Cymraeg o Thief of Time, un o straeon poblogaidd y gyfres Disgfyd, sef stori ffantasi llawn hiwmor unigryw am ymgais y mynach a'i brentis i danseilio cynllwyn i atal treigl amser, gan awdur poblogaidd cyfoes a thoreithiog.
English Description: A Welsh adaptation of Thief of Time, a popular story in the Discworld series, a fantasy story of unique humour about the attempt of a monk and his apprentice to undermine a plan to prevent the passing of time, by a popular and prolific contemporary author.
ISBN: 9781904357001
Awdur/Author: Terry Pratchett
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Rily
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2002-04-01
Tudalennau/Pages: 460
Iaith/Language: CY
Argaeledd/Availability: Out of print
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