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Nature Book Series, The: The Native Pony Book - Jane Russ

Nature Book Series, The: The Native Pony Book - Jane Russ

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Cyfrol gryno sy'n cynnig cyfoeth o ffeithiau diddorol a ffotograffau ardderchog am y merlyn Prydeinig cynhenid. Dyma gyflwyniad delfrydol ar gyfer pawb sy'n caru byd natur, a cheir ynddo wybodaeth am ffisioleg, hanes a chynefin yr anifail ar draws rhannau gwahanol o Brydain yn ogystal â ffeithiau am y modd y'i portreadir mewn chwedloniaeth, celf a llenyddiaeth.

English Description: With a wealth of factual interest and superb photography, this addition to Graffeg's compact, accessible Nature Books series is the ideal introduction to the British native pony for all nature lovers. From their physiology, history and environment across the different regions of Britain to their inclusion in myth, legend, art and literature.

ISBN: 9781913134822

Awdur/Author: Jane Russ

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Graffeg

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2021-06-24

Tudalennau/Pages: 160

Iaith/Language: EN

Argaeledd/Availability: Available

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