Pawb a Phopeth: Byd y Gymraeg / World of Welsh - Elin Meek
Pawb a Phopeth: Byd y Gymraeg / World of Welsh - Elin Meek
Croeso i fyd y Gymraeg byd syn llawn geiriau, lliw, bywyd a chalon. Dewch ar daith i ganfod trysoraur Gymraeg, o ystyr enwau lleoedd, i idiomau a diarhebion. Cewch grwydro maes yr Eisteddfod a dysgu am draddodiadau, taclo treigladau a phobi bara brith! Dyma lyfr godidog i blant ac oedolion i gael dysgu am Gymru ar Gymraeg, ai chyfraniad pwysig in byd.
English Description: Welcome to the world of Welsh a world full of words, colour, vibrancy and heart. Come on a journey to discover the treasures of the Welsh language, from the meaning of place names to idioms and proverbs. Explore the Eisteddfod field, learn about traditions, tackle mutations, and bake bara brith! A magnificent book for children and adults to learn about Wales and the Welsh language.
ISBN: 9781804162729
Awdur/Author: Elin Meek
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Rily
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2023-08-04
Tudalennau/Pages: 72
Iaith/Language: BI
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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