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PEFF - Stori ffrwydrol o ddigri

PEFF - Stori ffrwydrol o ddigri

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A Welsh adaptation by Elidir Jones of Fing, an explosively funny and totally surreal story by popular author David Walliams. Although Mabli Mwyn (Myrtle Meek) has everythng she could possibly want, she wants more, more, more! A tall story about two perfectly nice parents and their unbelievably monstrous daughter.

Addasiad o Fing gan David Walliams. Mae gan Mabli Mwyn bopeth y byddai ei angen erioed, ond mae hi eisiau mwy, mwy, mwy! Pan mae Mabli'n datgan ei bod hi eisiau PEFF, dim ond un broblem sydd... Beth ydi PEFF? Stori hyfryd o hurt a gwirioneddol wallgo' and ddau riant perffaith glên a'u merch gwbwl ffiaidd - a dyfodiad ffrwydrol y PEFF!
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