Pembrokeshire Standing Stones
Pembrokeshire Standing Stones
ISBN: 9781845242053
Publication Date November 2015
Publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, Llanrwst
Format: Paperback, 210x210 mm, 144 pages
Language: English
After spending many years as a farmer's wife and mother in Gloucestershire, Jill Young moved to West Wales, where, like Graham Sutherland before her, she felt a strong affinity with the Pembrokeshire landscape. This inspired her to carry out a remarkable painting project, resulting in this collection of powerful naturalistic paintings.
Wedi treulio sawl blwyddyn yn wraig fferm yn swydd Gaerloyw, symudodd Jill Young i orllewin Cymru. Yno, yn union fel Graham Sutherland o'i blaen, magodd berthynas gref â thirwedd sir Benfro gan greu'r casgliad hwn o baentiadau naturyddol, grymus o gerrig hynafol y sir.
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