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Scrabble in the Afternoon - Biddy Wells

Scrabble in the Afternoon - Biddy Wells

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Pan gaiff mam oedrannus Biddy Wells ei tharo gan salwch dirgel, mae Biddy yn gofalu amdani yn ei chartref hithau, heb wybod pa mor hir fydd y cyfnod gwella. Drwy'r misoedd dilynol, mae'r ddwy wraig yn gorfod dysgu byw yn agos at ei gilydd wedi degawdau ar wahân, a hynny oddi fewn i we ddyrys o anghenion emosiynol.

English Description: When Biddy Wells's elderly mother is suddenly struck down with a mysterious illness, Biddy moves her into the spare bedroom, little knowing how long the period of convalescence will last. Through the months that follow, the two women have to re-inhabit the close domestic proximity that they'd abandoned decades before and learn how to co-exist within a tangled web of emotional need.

ISBN: 9781912109302

Awdur/Author: Biddy Wells

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Parthian Books

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2021-04-02

Tudalennau/Pages: 118

Iaith/Language: EN

Argaeledd/Availability: Available

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