Shire Book Series, The: Drovers, The - Shirley Toulson
Shire Book Series, The: Drovers, The - Shirley Toulson
Golwg ar fywydaur porthmyn gweithgar a dyfeisgar a oedd yn wynebu pob math o galedi a pheryglon wrth iddynt yrru anifeiliaid ar draws y wlad; ceir sôn am eu dulliau busnes, ar llwybrau y byddent yn eu dilyn. 25 ffotograff liw, 16 ffotograff du-a-gwyn, a 14 o fapiau / brasluniau. Adargraffiad; cyhoeddwyd gyntaf yn 2005.
English Description: An exploration of the lives of hardworking and resourceful drovers who faced hardship and dangers during their careers driving animals across the country; their business methods, and the routes they followed are outlined. 25 colour photgraphs, 16 black-and-white photographs, and 14 maps / line drawings. Reprint; first published in 2005.
ISBN: 9780747806301
Awdur/Author: Shirley Toulson
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Shire Publications
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 01/06/2011
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Non-Stock Item - Ordered on request
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