Takeaway: Stories from a Childhood Behind the Counter - Angela Hui
Takeaway: Stories from a Childhood Behind the Counter - Angela Hui
Wedi'i magu mewn siop fwyd Tsieineaidd yn y Gymru wledig, dysgodd Angela Hui o oedran ifanc iawn bod y gymuned yn edrych arni hi a'i theulu fel pobl wahanol. Doedd bywyd ddim yn heddychlon iddynt, a dioddefwyd ymosodiadau ar ffenest flaen y siop (sef eu cartref), camdriniaeth llafar gan gwsmeriaid ac ambell wrthdaro corfforol yn diweddu gyda'i thad yn chwifio bwyell gig.
English Description: Growing up in a Chinese takeaway in rural Wales, Angela Hui was made aware at a very young age of just how different she and her family were seen by her local community. From attacks on the shopfront (i.e., their home), to verbal abuse from customers, and confrontations that ended with her dad wielding the meat cleaver; life growing up in a takeaway was far from peaceful.
ISBN: 9781398705548
Awdur/Author: Angela Hui
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Orion Publishing
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2023-04-07
Tudalennau/Pages: 352
Iaith/Language: EN
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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