Talerddig in Great Western Days - Gwyn Briwnant Jones
Talerddig in Great Western Days - Gwyn Briwnant Jones
Ail gyfrol ddarluniadol hudolus yn cyflwyno hanes Rheilffordd y Drenewydd a Machynlleth, 1818-1999, ar newidiadau a brofodd yng nghyd-destun gweithrediadau rheilffordd y Great Western yng Nghanolbarth Cymru, ynghyd â gwybodaeth fanwl am y trenau. Dilyniant i Railway Through Talerddig. Dros 250 llun du-a-gwyn, diagramau, tablau, mapiau, a 73 llun lliw.
English Description: A second enthralling illustrated history of the Newtown and Machynlleth Railway, 1818-1999, and the changes it experienced in the context of the operations of the Great Western Railway in Central Wales, together with detailed information on the trains. A sequel to Railway Through Talerddig. Over 250 black-and-white photographs, diagrams, tables and maps, and 73 colour photographs.
ISBN: 9781859027042
Awdur/Author: Gwyn Briwnant Jones
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Gomer@Lolfa
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 03/12/1999
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Out of print
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