Travelling Back to the Middle Ages: Nest - Mererid Hopwood
Travelling Back to the Middle Ages: Nest - Mererid Hopwood
Roedd y Dywysoges Nest yn byw mewn amser llawn helynt a brwydro. Bu'n rhaid iddi hi a'i theulu symud o gastell i gastell i gadw'n ddiogel ac roedd hi wedi blino ar yr holl symud. Ond un noson, cafodd hi ymwelydd annisgwyl, rhywun a oedd wedi clywed am ei harddwch, a rhywun oedd yn benderfynol o'i gweld hi â'i lygaid ei hun...
English Description: Princess Nest lived in a period of trouble and struggle. She and her family had to move from castle to castle to keep safe and she was tired of all the moving. But one evening she got an unexpected visitor, someone who had heard of her beauty, and someone who was determined to see her with his own eyes...
ISBN: 9781783900978
Awdur/Author: Mererid Hopwood
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Canolfan Peniarth
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 22/05/2017
Tudalennau/Pages: 20
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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