Un o Ble Wyt Ti? - Ioan Kidd
Un o Ble Wyt Ti? - Ioan Kidd
Golwg grafog ar Gymru trwy lygad Archentwr ifanc sydd ar ymweliad â hen wlad ei dadau. Trafodir y berthynas arbennig rhwng Cymru a'r Wladfa yn ogystal â'r berthynas a'r tensiynau rhwng cenedlaethau. Mae hon hefyd yn stori am hunaniaeth a hunanddarganfod.
English Description: A novel about a young Argentinian's visit to Wales. Through his sharp observations, the relationship between Wales and Patagonia is examined, in addition to the tensions between generations. This is also a story about identity and self-discovery.
ISBN: 9781848512924
Awdur/Author: Ioan Kidd
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Gomer@Lolfa
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2011-10-26
Tudalennau/Pages: 264
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: N/A
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