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A/AS Level Computer Science for WJEC Student Book - Mark Thomas, Alister Surrall, Adam Hamflett

A/AS Level Computer Science for WJEC Student Book - Mark Thomas, Alister Surrall, Adam Hamflett

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Argraffiad newydd, diwygiedig o lyfr a baratowyd yn arbennig ar gyfer myfyrwyr y cwrs Lefel A ac Uwch-Gyfrannol Gwyddoniaeth Cyfrifiadur CBAC/Eduqas, i'w cynorthwyo i hybu gwybodaeth a meistroli egwyddorion cyfrifiaduro a chysyniadau, gan ddatblygu barn cyfrifo, rhaglennu a datrys problemau.

English Description: A revised new version of the WJEC/Eduqas Computer Science student book, specifically written for A and AS Level. This student book helps students build their knowledge and master underlying computing principles and concepts, developing computational thinking, programming and problem-solving skills.

ISBN: 9781913245184

Awdur/Author: Mark Thomas, Alister Surrall, Adam Hamflett

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Atebol

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2020-08-24

Tudalennau/Pages: 328

Iaith/Language: EN

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