A time for Princes - Michael Senior
A time for Princes - Michael Senior
The Welsh Leaders who Forged a Nation 800-1282. The historian John Davies described 800-1282 as 'the youth of the Welsh nation'. Roman Wales survived attacks by Irish and Viking raiders from the west and Saxon and other Germanic tribes from the east to lay down the foundations of a medieval country. Full colour illustrations throughout.
Cyfrol sy'n olrhain hanes yr arweinwyr Cymreig a lywiodd eu cenedl rhwng 800 a 1282. Adroddir am y cyfnod pan oroesodd Cymru Rufeinig ymosodiadau gan ysbeilwyr Gwyddelig a Llychlynaidd o'r gorllewin ynghyd â llwythau Sacsonaidd ac Almaenaidd eraill o'r dwyrain, gan lwyddo i osod seiliau gwlad ganoloesol. Cyfrol ddarluniadol mewn lliw llawn.
ISBN: 9781845242640 (1845242645)
Publication Date: 22 March 2017
Publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch
Format: Paperback, 150x155 mm, 128 pages
Language: English
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