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Alana Seren y Ddawns - Cyffro Llwyfan

Alana Seren y Ddawns - Cyffro Llwyfan

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The fifth title in an exciting series of books about a group of primary school children who are obsessed with dancing. Alana and her friends in Stiwdio Stepio dance class are rehearsing for a new musical performance. Everybody wants to sing and dance on stage, but some are having problems learning the steps! The place to go is Madam Sera's clothes shop, Ffashiwn Steil.

Y pumed mewn cyfres gyffrous am ferched cynradd sy'n gwirioni ar ddawnsio. Mae Alana a'i ffrindiau yn Stiwdio Stepio yn ymarfer ar gyfer perfformiad newydd mewn sioe gerdd. Mae pawb eisiau canu a dawnsio ar lwyfan, ond mae rhai'n cael trafferth i feistroli'r patrymau dawnsio. Ffasiwn Steil, Siop Wisgoedd Madam Sera, ydi'r lle i fynd!
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