Ant Clancy Games Detective - Ruth Morgan
Ant Clancy Games Detective - Ruth Morgan
Gêm realiti newydd y mae pawb yn ei chwarae ond Ant yw Ray-Chay. Mae'n well ganddo ef ei gêm ei hun, lle creodd ei ddraig hynod Pradahl, er y caiff ei ddilorni am ei offer hen ffasiwn. Ond pan fo rhywbeth rhyfedd yn digwydd i'w gyfoedion sy'n chwarae Ray-Chay, Ant yw'r person cyntaf i sylwi. Tybed beth sy'n digwydd?
English Description: Ray-Chay is the new virtual reality game that everyone's playing, except Ant, who can't get into it. He prefers his old game, where he's created his extraordinary dragon Pradahl, even when he's mocked for his old headset. So when something strange starts happening to the people playing Ray-Chay, Ant is the first person to notice. What's going on?
ISBN: 9781910080993
Awdur/Author: Ruth Morgan
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Firefly Press Ltd
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2019-07-05
Tudalennau/Pages: 244
Iaith/Language: EN
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