Architecture of Wales, The - From the First to the Twenty-First Century - John B. Hilling
Architecture of Wales, The - From the First to the Twenty-First Century - John B. Hilling
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Cyfrol gynhwysfawr syn adlewyrchu dwy fil o flynyddoedd o hanes, diwylliant a gwaith cenedl y Cymry drwy gyfrwng pensaernïaeth. Cynhwysir 268 o ffotograffau lliw a du-a-gwyn, dyluniadau, cynlluniau a mapiau.
English Description: The Architecture of Wales is a comprehensive volume reflecting two thousand years of the nations history, cultural and working life. Illustrated with 268 colour and black-and-white photographs, drawings, plans and maps.
ISBN: 9781786832849
Awdur/Author: John B. Hilling
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru / University of Wales Press
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 29/08/2018
Iaith/Language: EN
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