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Arthur - Breuddwydiwr a Gweithredwr

Arthur - Breuddwydiwr a Gweithredwr

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Fedrwch chi ddim rhoi label ar Arthur. Nid byw y tu ôl i ddamcaniaethau roedd o, ond byw drwy weithredoedd. Trwy atgofion cyfeillion a geiriau Arthur ei hun, cawn ddarlun cynnes ohono. Roedd yn gymeriad adnabyddus ledled Cymru mewn Eisteddfodau, ralïau, gwyliau a gêmau rygbi a byddai criw'n hel o'i amgylch am sgwrs a chân a thynnu coes.

English Description: It was impossible to label Arthur Thomas; he lived by his actions, not theories. Through the recollections of his friends and through Arthur's own words, we gain a warm portrait of the man. He was a familiar figure throughout Wales, at eisteddfodau and rallies, festivals and rugby games, with many gathering around him for a chat, a song and a joke.

ISBN: 9781845277482

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2020-06-17

Tudalennau/Pages: 176

Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: N/A

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