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Asterix a Choron Cesar

Asterix a Choron Cesar

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ISBN: 9781906587284Publication Date: August 2012 Publisher: Dalen
Adapted/Translated by Alun Ceri Jones.Suitable for age 9-11+ or Key Stage 2/3 Format: Paperback, 287x218 mm, 48 pages Language: Welsh


Asterix and Obelix's drunken chieftain, Pwyllpendefix, sends them on a mission to Rome to fulfill a stupid bet. Their task is to come home with Caesar's laurel wreath to garnish a bowl of soup. But this is an increasingly difficult mission and doomed to failure, until fate plays a jealous hand in one of the clevrest of all the Asterix adventures.

Yn ei ddiod, ac wrth iddo drio cael y gorau o'i ben bach o frawd-yng-nghyfraith, mae pennaeth llwyth Asterix, Pwyllpendefix, yn addo paratoi cawl gyda sbrigyn o goron lawryf Cesar ynddo. Yn anfodlon, mae Asterix yn derbyn yr her ac ildio'i hun i gaswasiaeth yn Rhufain er mwyn trio cael gafael ar goron yr ymerawdwr.

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