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Asterix yn y Gemau Olympaidd

Asterix yn y Gemau Olympaidd

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ISBN: 9781906587277Publication Date: August 2012 Publisher: Dalen
Adapted/Translated by Alun Ceri Jones.Suitable for age 9-11+ or Key Stage 2/3 Format: Paperback, 287x210 mm, 48 pages Language: Welsh


Asterix and his friends change sides and become Romans just to compete in the Olympic Games – after all, their magic potion is sure to help them win. But once they get to Greece, the Olympic officials gives the Gallic contingent some bad news. Time for the quick-thinking Gauls to come up with a sporting idea!

Mae Asterix a'i ffrindiau yn penderfynu newid ochr a throi'n Rufeiniaid er mwyn cael cystadlu yn y Gemau Olympaidd. Wedi'r cyfan, gyda'r ddiod hud i'w hatgyfnerthu, sut allan nhw beidio ag ennill? Ond ar ôl cyrraedd Groeg mae gan swyddogion y gemau newyddion syfrdanol i'r garfan Gâl Rufeinig, ac mae'n rhaid i'r Galiaid feddwl am syniad arall.

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