Babes in Boots - Terry Manley
Babes in Boots - Terry Manley
Mae Terry Manley a'i wraig wedi cyfuno heicio gyda champio, ond fel petai hynny ddim yn ddigon, maen nhw hefyd wedi gwneud hyn gyda dau blentyn bach yn eu canlyn! Yn dilyn anogaeth gan ffrindiau, teulu a chyd-weithwyr, mae Terry Manley wedi crynhoi ei nodiadau a'u cyhoeddi yn y gyfrol hon.
English Description: Terry Manley and his wife have not only combined long-distance walks with camping, but the tale is rendered unique by virtue of the fact that this was achieved with two young children in tow! And so after repeated prompts from friends, family and colleagues at work, he has finally been persuaded to collate his notebook scribbles and share them with us.
ISBN: 9780862438593
Awdur/Author: Terry Manley
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Dinas
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2006-10-18
Tudalennau/Pages: 136
Iaith/Language: EN
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