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Beibl i Bawb - Elisabeth Williams

Beibl i Bawb - Elisabeth Williams

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Stori Mary Jones ai thaith ir Bala ai bywyd wedyn ym Mryn-crug, ynghyd â hanes Thomas Charles a dechreuadau Cymdeithas y Beibl. Print bras gyda lluniau a mapiau.

English Description: The story about Mary Jones and her journey to Bala and her life afterwards in Bryn-crug, as well as the history of Thomas Charles and the establishing of the Bible Society. Large print, pictures and maps.

ISBN: 9781850490494

Awdur/Author: Elisabeth Williams

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Gwasg Bryntirion Press

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 01/01/1988

Iaith/Language: CY

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