Birds, Boots and Butties: Conwy Valley/Eastern Snowdonia - Ruth Miller
Birds, Boots and Butties: Conwy Valley/Eastern Snowdonia - Ruth Miller
Mae dwyrain Eryri yn lle rhyfeddol ar gyfer cerdded a gwylio adar - ac mae'r gyfrol hon yn eich galluogi i wneud y ddau beth, yn ogystal â mwynhau hanes ac etifeddiaeth yr ardal. Ceir yma ddeg o deithiau cerdded, oddeutu dwyawr yr un, yn cynnwys teithiau ar yr arfordir, ar lan llynnoedd ac ar ddyffryndir, ac ar hyd llwybrau coediog.
English Description: Eastern Snowdonia is a fascinating location for walking and for birdwatching - this book enables you to combine both and also to enjoy some of the history and heritage of the island at the same time. The 10 walks include coastal strolls, valley floor and lakeside rambles and woodland paths. Approximately 2 hours long, these are walks for everyone.
ISBN: 9781845241476
Awdur/Author: Ruth Miller
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Llygad Gwalch Cyf
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2009-06-23
Tudalennau/Pages: 112
Iaith/Language: EN
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