Bright Plain, The - Michelle Dooley Mahon
Bright Plain, The - Michelle Dooley Mahon
Cyfrol yn cynnwys dwy stori fer gan Michelle Dooley Mahon sef 'The Deacon' a 'The Meadow of Women', yn y Wyddeleg ac mewn cyfieithad Saesneg. Ynddynt, caiff defodau defosiynol eu gosod o fewn cyd-destunau cyfoes. Sonia'r straeon am afiechyd a dioddefaint, defosiwn a gwellhad, a hynny mewn arddull syml gyda phinsiaid o hiwmor. Gyda phrintiadau cyanotype gan Caitriona Dunnett.
English Description: Two short stories by Michelle Dooley Mahon; 'The Deacon' and 'The Meadow of Women', in Irish, with English translations, in which ritual devotions are placed in contemporary contexts. She writes of illness, suffering, devotion and healing with startling simplicity and a dose of humour. Alongside are cyanotype prints by Caitriona Dunnett.
ISBN: 9781914595615
Awdur/Author: Michelle Dooley Mahon
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Parthian Books
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2023-05-30
Tudalennau/Pages: 44
Iaith/Language: EN
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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