Caersws - The Cambrian Railway Village
Caersws - The Cambrian Railway Village
Casgliad o gofnodion a darluniau ynghyd â nodiadau perthnasol am effeithiau cymdeithasol ac economaidd Rheilffordd y Cambrian ar bentref Caersws ar ardal amgylchynol, gan greu cofnod o ffynhonnell bwysig o gyflogaeth yn nghanolbarth Cymru. Dros 240 llun du-a-gwyn ac 20 map a diagram.
English Description: A collection of memorabilia and illustrations with relevant notes about the social and economic effects of the Cambrian Railway system on Caersws village and the surrounding area, creating a record of a very important source of employment in mid Wales. Over 240 black-and-white photographs and 20 maps and diagrams.
ISBN: 9780853617228
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Oakwood Press
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 19/12/2013
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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