Calon - A Journey to the Heart of Welsh Rugby - Owen Sheers
Calon - A Journey to the Heart of Welsh Rugby - Owen Sheers
Cyfrol sy'n bwrw golwg ar rygbi Cymru, gan fardd preswyl Undeb Rygbi Cymru. Edrychir ar ymgyrch y tîm yn ystod Cwpan Rygbi'r Byd yn 2011, ac ar eu llwyddiant ym mhencampwriaeth y Chwe Gwlad, 2012, pan enillwyd y Gamp Lawn am y trydydd tro mewn wyth mlynedd, gan lwyddo hefyd i danio brwdfrydedd a dychymyg y Cymry. Argraffiad newydd, sy'n cynnwys cyffro byd rygbi 2013.
English Description: At the 2011 Rugby World Cup a young Welsh side captained by the 22-year-old Sam Warburton, captured the imagination of the rugby-watching world. This title offers the inside story of a 6 Nations campaign that galvanised a nation and ended in Grand Slam success for the third time in 8 years. Owen Sheers takes a personal journey into a sport that defines a nation. New edition.
ISBN: 9780571297306
Awdur/Author: Owen Sheers
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Faber and Faber
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2014-01-15
Tudalennau/Pages: 320
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Non-Stock Item - Ordered on request
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