Cat, Daf and the Map - Siân Lewis
Cat, Daf and the Map - Siân Lewis
Mae Catrin a Dafydd ar eu gwyliau ar fferm Maes Plwm, cartref eu modryb au hewyrth. Wedi i Wncwl Harri gyfeirio gyrrwr lorri coll i fferm Wern-las, mae Cat a Daf yn cynllunio taith i Wern-las gyda chymorth map Arolwg Ordnans Anti Gwen. Ar bob tudalen, ceir darn o fap i ddangos y ffordd a phethau diddorol a welir ar hyd y ffordd. Stori ddifyr syn dysgu darllenwyr ifanc sut i ddarllen map.
English Description: Catrin and Dafydd are staying with their aunt and uncle on Maes Plwm farm. After Uncle Harri directs a lost lorry driver to Wern-las farm, Cat and Daf plan a journey to Wern-las using Aunty Gwens OS map. As we follow their journey on each page, sights of interest are noted, and a fragment of map shows the way. An entertaining story that teaches young readers how to read maps.
ISBN: 9781845274580
Awdur/Author: Siân Lewis
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 01/07/2015
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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