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CBAC Bioleg ar Gyfer U2 - Marianne Izen

CBAC Bioleg ar Gyfer U2 - Marianne Izen

Regular price £28.50
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Cyfrol ddarluniadol ddeniadol wedi'i pharatoi gan athro ac arholwr profiadol, yn cynnig canllaw gwerthfawr i fyfyrwyr wrth iddynt baratoi ar gyfe eu arholiadau U2 Bioleg. Cynhwysir esboniadau manwl o'r maes llafur, cwestiynau arholiad enghreifftiol a chyngor dibynadwy i gefnogi'r astudio.

English Description: An appealing illustrated volume, prepared by an experienced teacher and examiner as guidance to students studying for their Biology A2 examination through the medium of Welsh. Includes detailed commentaries on the various elements of the syllabus, examples of examination questions and reliable advice to support studying.

ISBN: 9781911208327.00

Awdur/Author: Marianne Izen

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Illuminate Publishing Ltd

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 15/03/2017

Tudalennau/Pages: 346

Argaeledd/Availability: Available

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