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CBAC Mathemateg ar Gyfer UG - Pur - Stephen Doyle

CBAC Mathemateg ar Gyfer UG - Pur - Stephen Doyle

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Cyfrol werthfawr gan yr awdur profiadol Stephen Doyle a ardystiwyd gan CBAC. Cynigir cefnogaeth ddibynadwy o safon uchel ynghyd ag arolwg o bob elfen o fanyleb Mathemateg Bur Lefel UG, er mwyn datblygu gwybodaeth, dealltwriaeth a sgiliau myfyrwyr wrth iddynt anelu at lwyddaint. Cynhwysir adran atebion er mwyn gwirio gwaith yn gyson ac ymarferion arholiad er mwyn mireinio sgiliau arholiad.

English Description: Written by experienced author Stephen Doyle, and endorsed by WJEC. The student book offers high quality and trustworthy support with thorough coverage of all topics in the AS Level Pure specification to develop knowledge, understanding and skills and help students achieve success. It includes an answers section to ensure regular work checks, and exam practice questions to refine exam skills.

ISBN: 9781911208747.00

Awdur/Author: Stephen Doyle

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Illuminate Publishing Ltd

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 14/08/2018

Tudalennau/Pages: 206

Argaeledd/Availability: Non-Stock Item - Ordered on request

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