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Cyfres Miss Prydderch: 6. Dosbarth Miss Prydderch a Dewin y Dŵr

Cyfres Miss Prydderch: 6. Dosbarth Miss Prydderch a Dewin y Dŵr

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ISBN: 9781785622847 

Publication Date September 2019
Publisher: Gwasg Gomer, Llandysul

Illustrated by Rhys Bevan Jones

Format: Paperback, 196x128 mm, 224 pages

Language: Welsh

There's an emergency in Gwaelod y Garn. The water has vanished from the river and also from every tap in every house, and the school! At the same time, a devious giant has been up to his old tricks on a far away planet. Can the class and Miss Prydderch sort things out? Can the Magic Carpet fly beyond the stars? Has Alfred got something that can save the day?

Mae argyfwng ym mhentref Gwaelod y Garn. Mae'r dŵr wedi diflannu o'r afon ac felly o bob tap ym mhob tŷ, a'r ysgol! Ar yr un pryd, mae Cawr Mawr y Sychder Maith wedi bod wrth ei driciau cas draw ar Blaned y Blodyn Bodyn. Tybed a all Alfred, Elen, Miss Prydderch a'r criw ffrindiau ddatrys pethau? All y Carped Hud eu cludo ymhell tu hwnt i'r sêr? Oes rhywbeth gan Alfred all achub y dydd?

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