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Cyfres Rygbi: 1. Ysbryd Rygbi Gerard Siggins

Cyfres Rygbi: 1. Ysbryd Rygbi Gerard Siggins

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ISBN: 9781845275822 Publication Date November 2016
Publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, Llanrwst
Adapted/Translated by Gwenno Hughes.Format: Paperback, 198x127 mm, 152 pages
Language: Welsh

Owain has just started attending a new school... and has the opportunity of beginning to play a new game - rugby. Everyone at his new school is nuts about the sport - including the teachers - but Owain has never touched a rugby ball before! And how come everybody knows more about his grandfather than he does? A Welsh adaptation by Gwenno Hughes.

Mae Owain wedi dechrau mewn ysgol newydd... ac yn cael cyfle i gymryd rhan mewn gêm newydd iddo. Mae pawb yn yr ysgol yn lloerig am rygbi - gan gynnwys yr athrawon - ond dydi Owain erioed wedi cydio mewn pêl hirgron o'r blaen! Ond pam fod pawb fel petaen nhw'n gwybod mwy am ei daid nag mae ef yn ei wybod ei hun? Addasiad Cymraeg gan Gwenno Hughes.
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