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Cymru and I - In partnership with Inclusive, Journalism Cymru

Cymru and I - In partnership with Inclusive, Journalism Cymru

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Daw naw llenor newydd ynghyd i archwilio ystyr Cymru a Chymreictod iddyn nhw. Maent yn cynrychioli cefndiroedd a dan-gynrychiolwyd hyd yma a cheir ganddynt olwg ysbrydoledig, newydd ar Gymru. Themâu a gyflwynir yw hunaniaeth, integreiddiad, iaith, uchelgais a dirywiad dinesig, a hynny o safbwynt ffoaduriaid ac aelodau cymunedau LGBTQ, niwro-ddargyfeiriol a dosbarth gweithiol.

English Description: Nine new writers explore what Wales and Welshness mean to them as people from backgrounds largely under-represented in an inspiring new look at Wales, a Wales previously unwritten. Identity, integration, language, aspiration, civic decline are the subjects of those who have sought sanctuary: immigrants, the LGBT, neurodivergent people, and working-class communities.

ISBN: 9781781727300

Awdur/Author: In partnership with Inclusive, Journalism Cymru

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Seren

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2023-09-28

Tudalennau/Pages: 204

Iaith/Language: EN

Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X

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