Darllen yn Well: Sut Wyt Ti'n Teimlo Heddiw? - Molly Potter
Darllen yn Well: Sut Wyt Ti'n Teimlo Heddiw? - Molly Potter
Mae gan blant deimladau cryfion, ond fedran nhw ddim delio'n dda gyda nhw bob amser. Mae'r addasiad Cymraeg hwn o How Are You Feeling Today? yn berffaith i'w rannu, yn llawn awgrymiadau hwyliog a dychmygus i geisio helpu plant i ddeall ystod eang o emosiynau. Cyfrol berffaith i rieni ei defnyddio i helpu plant i ddelio gyda'u teimladau - heb i'r cyfan orffen mewn dagrau.
English Description: Children have strong feelings and can't always handle them very well. This Welsh adaptation of How Are You Feeling Today? is perfect for sharing, packed with fun, imaginative ways to help children understand and cope with a whole range of different emotions. This delightful book gives parents the tools they need to help their child deal with those feelings - without it all ending in tears!
ISBN: 9781849678445
Awdur/Author: Molly Potter
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Rily
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2020-09-26
Tudalennau/Pages: 32
Iaith/Language: CY
Argaeledd/Availability: Available to purchase and download
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