Dyddiadur Dripsyn: Y Gwsberan
Dyddiadur Dripsyn: Y Gwsberan
ISBN: 9781849673556
Publication Date July 2017
Publisher: Rily, Caerphilly
Adapted/Translated by Owain Sion.
Format: Paperback, 203x140 mm, 224 pages
Language: Welsh
A Valentine's Day dance at Greg's middle school has turned Greg's world upside down. As Greg scrambles to find a date, he's worried he'll be left out in the cold on the big night. Then an unexpected twist gives Greg a partner for the dance and leaves Rowley the odd man out. But a lot can happen in one night, and in the end you never know who's going to be lucky in love...
Mae Dawns San Ffolant yn ysgol Greg wedi troi ei fyd ben i waered. Wrth iddo straffaglu i ddod o hyd i ferch i fynd efo fo, mae'n poeni y bydd ar y cyrion ar y noson fawr. Yna, yn gwbl annisgwyl, mae partner yn troi i fyny i fynd i'r ddawns efo Greg, a Roli ydy'r un dros ben.
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