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Ein Stori Ni - Golwg Newydd ar Hanes y Cymry

Ein Stori Ni - Golwg Newydd ar Hanes y Cymry

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A book full of fascinating, little-known facts about Wales. Stories about the huge contribution of this small nation to the world are presented, such as the most advanced laws in the Middle Ages, Britain's only effective royal dynasty and its most effective prime minister.

Llyfr llawn ffeithiau difyr na wyddech chi am Gymru. Cyflwynir hanesion am gyfraniad helaeth y genedl fechan hon i'r byd - eu deddfau canoloesol blaengar, llinach frenhinol effeithiol, arloeswyr y Chwyldro Diwydiannol a magwrfa un o brif weinidogion mwyaf galluog Prydain.
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