First Borough of Kenfig 1147-1439, The - Barrie Griffiths
First Borough of Kenfig 1147-1439, The - Barrie Griffiths
Y gyfrol gyntaf yn y gyfres Kenfig Folk yn adrodd hanes tref Eingl-Normanaidd Cynffig ym Mro Morgannwg, ynghyd âi gastell a fun ganolbwynt gwrthwynebiad y Cymry. Goroesodd ymosodiadau, ond y cefnwyd arno yn ddiweddarach, gan ddiflannu dan dwyni tywod yr ardal. 16 llun lliw, 12 llun du-a-gwyn a 6 map.
English Description: The first in the series Kenfig Folk tells the story of the history of the Anglo-Norman town of Kenfig in the Vale of Glamorgan, its castle becoming the focus of Welsh resentment but withstanding attacks, before being abandoned and since disappearing under the sandy dunes of the area. 16 colour and 12 black-and-white photographs with 6 maps.
ISBN: 9780956770103
Awdur/Author: Barrie Griffiths
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Kenfig Society
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 07/09/2011
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Non-Stock Item - Ordered on request
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