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Fly, Butterfly, Fly! Colouring Book - Dom Conlon

Fly, Butterfly, Fly! Colouring Book - Dom Conlon

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O guriad unigol adenydd tryloyw, daw iâr fach yr haf i fodolaeth o'i chocŵn, er mwyn archwilio byd llawn amrywiaeth, ei hinsawdd a'i nadroedd, ei adar a'i lyffantod. Dewch i liwio taith eich iâr fach yr haf chi eich hun o amgylch y byd trwy gyfrwng lluniau swynol Anastasia Izlesou sy'n cydweddu â cherddi Dom Conlon.

English Description: From the single beat of stained-glass wings, Butterfly emerges from his cocoon to explore a many-patterned world of climates, snakes, birds and frogs. Colour your own butterfly's journey around the world with line drawings by Anastasia Izlesou. Accompanied by poetry from Dom Conlon.

ISBN: 9781802586008

Awdur/Author: Dom Conlon

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Graffeg

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2023-10-05

Tudalennau/Pages: 36

Iaith/Language: EN

Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: 1

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